Editorial and Conference Committee Activities
- Information and Computation, Member of the Editorial Board, 2017 -
- Distributed Computing, Member of the Editorial Board, 2015 -
- Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science, Member of the Editorial Board, 2008 - 2024
- Algorithms, Member of the Editorial Board, 2008 - 2022
- Information and Computation, Vol 255 (2017), special issue on SSS 2015, Guest Co-Editor
- Distributed Computing, Vol 21 (2008), Number 2, special issue on DISC 2007, Guest Editor
- Theoretical Computer Science, Vol 384 (2007), Numbers 2-3,
special issue on SIROCCO 2005, Guest Editor
- International Colloquium on Structural Information
and Communication Complexity (SIROCCO), 2015 - 2019.
- Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC), 2009 - 2012.
- 34th ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC 2016), Chicago, USA, Program Committee Chair
- 17th International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security
of Distributed Systems (SSS 2015), Edmonton, Canada, Program Committee Co-chair
- 21st International Symposium on Distributed Computing
(DISC 2007), Cyprus, Program Committee Chair
- 12th International Colloquium on Structural Information
and Communication Complexity (SIROCCO 2005), Mont St. Michel, France,
Program Committee Co-Chair
- International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC), 2006 - 2009.
- International Colloquium on Structural Information
and Communication Complexity (SIROCCO), 2005 - 2008.
- International Colloquium on Structural Information
and Communication Complexity (SIROCCO), 2024 - 2026.
- 30th International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity (SIROCCO 2023), Las Navas del Marques, Avila, Spain.
- 29th International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity (SIROCCO 2022), Paderborn, Germany.
- 39th ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC 2021), on line
- 34th International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC 2020), on line
- 40th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2020), Singapore
- 32nd International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC 2018), New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
- 45th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP 2018), Prague, Czech Republic
- 35th ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC 2017), Washington DC, USA
- 18th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking
(ICDCN 2016), Singapore
- 19th International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems
(OPODIS 2015), Rennes, France
- 20th International Symposium on Fundamentals of Computation Theory
(FCT 2015), Gdansk, Poland
- 28th International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC 2014), Austin, TX, USA
- 21st Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA 2013), Sophia-Antipolis, France
- 33rd Annual International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2013),
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
- 14th International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety,
and Security of Distributed Systems (SSS 2012), Toronto, Canada
- 26th International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC 2012), Salvador, Brazil
- 13th Scandinavian Symposium and Workshops on Algorithm Theory (SWAT 2012), Helsinki, Finland
- 18th International Colloquium on Structural Information
and Communication Complexity (SIROCCO 2011), Gdansk, Poland
- 37th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP 2010),
Bordeaux, France
- 30th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2010),
Genoa, Italy
- 28th Ann. ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC 2009),
Calgary, Canada
- 13th International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS 2009),
Nimes, France
- 5th International Workshop on Algorithmic Aspects of Wireless Sensor Networks,
(ALGOSENSORS 2009), Rhodes, Greece
- 11èmes Rencontres Francophones
sur les Aspects Algorithmiques de Télécommunications (ALGOTEL 2009),
Marseilles, France
- 34th International Workshop on
Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG 2008), Durham, UK.
- 9th International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety,
and Security of Distributed Systems
(SSS 2007), Paris, France
- 5th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing and
Applications (ISPA 2007), Niagara Falls, Canada
- 10th International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems
(OPODIS 2006), Bordeaux, France
- 20th International Symposium on Distributed Computing
(DISC 2006), Stockholm, Sweden
- 13th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing
(HiPC 2006), Bangalore, India
- 6th International Conference on Algorithms and Complexity (CIAC 2006)
Rome, Italy
- 13th International Colloquium on Structural Information
and Communication Complexity (SIROCCO 2006), Chester, United Kingdom
- 21st Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science
(STACS 2004), Montpellier, France
- 15th ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures
(SPAA 2003), San Diego, U.S.A.
- 27th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations
of Computer Science (MFCS 2002), Warsaw, Poland
- The International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (2000),
New York City, U.S.A.
- 26th Annual International Symposium
on Fault-Tolerant Computing (FTCS 1996), Sendai, Japan
- 2nd Colloquium on Structural Information and
Communication Complexity (SIROCCO 1995), Olympia, Greece
- 21st Annual International Symposium
on Fault-Tolerant Computing (FTCS 1991), Montreal, Canada
- Prize for Innovation in Distributed Computing 2016 -- 2019 (chair)
- The Principles of Distributed Computing Doctoral Dissertation Award (chair) 2016
- Award Committee for The Edsger W. Dijkstra Prize in Distributed Computing 2016
- Award Committee for The Edsger W. Dijkstra Prize in Distributed Computing 2012
- Award Committee for The Edsger W. Dijkstra Prize in Distributed Computing 2007
- Consolidator Grant Selection Committee, Computer Science, European Research Council (ERC), 2012 - 2013.
- Grant Selection Committee, Computing and Information Sciences B,
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), 2005 - 2007.
- MITACS (Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems)
ACCELERATE Research Review Committee, 2008 - 2010.